1. ASR is a peer-reviewed research journal in Statistics published in March and in September each year.
2. The journal published carefully refereed original research articles , notes, reviews and case studies related to any branch of Statistics(both applied and theoretical). Books reviews, and letters to the editor related to articles of the journals are also invited for possible publication.
3. The language of the manuscript must be in English.
4. Authors should submit manuscripts prepared as soft copy to the editor. A copy of the file of the manuscript should be sent by e-mail to the editor at [email protected].
5. Preparation of Manuscript: It is preferred that the author prepared their manuscript using MS-WORD 2003 or later version with 12 pt. Times New Roman font. For mathematical equations, MS-Word equation editor is preferred. In case a paper is accepted for publication the author(s) will have to submit the doc.file of the paper in the prescribe template (template is given at the end).
The manuscript must be organized as –
Title, Author(s) name Affiliation, E-mail id, Abstract(not more than 250 words without reference, key words (not more than 6), AMS(2000) subject classification, main article (including Tables, Figures if any), Acknowledgement appendices (if any) references.
The main body of article should be organized in appropriate number of sections, subsections. Equations, Figures, Table should be number continuously starting with 1 irrespective of their subsections etc.
Reference list and citation in the body should agree References should like
(a) books /thesis:
Medhi, J. (1994): Stochastic Process,3rd edn., Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
(b) For papers:
Ong, S. H., Chakraborty, S., Imoto, T. and Shimizu, K. (2012): Generalization of Non Central Negative Binomial, Charlier series Distributions, and their Extensions by Lagranges Expansions, Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 41, 4, 571-590.
6. Authors of the accepted articles will be requested to honour voluntary page charges to be fixed by the editorial board of ASR in defray partly the cost of publication. The authors will get hard copies of re-print of the article.
7. The publication of a manuscript in original submitted to the ASR will imply that the materials have not been copyrighted, published for publication elsewhere.
Download Complete ASR Manuscript Template here: Template ASR